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The Police Station is the location of the second chapter in Cube Escape: Case 23, and the workplace of Dale Vandermeer.

Case 23 Cube Escape: Case 23[]

The only visitable area is Dale's office where he investigates the death of Laura Vanderboom, though the player can look out the window to the corridor where a fellow Policeman stands with a handcuffed man.

Dale's office contains a small amount of standard office furniture; mostly used as part of his investigation, along with a coffee machine, overhead projector and a modified television. A Cat also lives in the air vent above Dale's filing cabinets.

WhiteDoorIcon The White Door[]

The Police Station reappears in The White Door, if player character Bob Hill remembers his arrest. The events in this game are the same as the ones in Cube Escape: Case 23, only shown from Bob's perspective. After seeing Dale look at him through the window, and the contemptuous look of the Policeman, Bob feels his soul darkening, leading to his corruption and the death of the Policeman.

Soundtrack Soundtrack[]

  • The music that plays in this room during Cube Escape: Case 23 is called "On the Ground"

Gallery Gallery[]
